Lizzie Alberga
Inspirational speaker on life balance, self-esteem and career development.
Once just a resource for friends asking "how I did it all" or a partner to help them through career challenges, I now share my insight and advice through inspirational talks that give attendees tips, tools and methods to find life balance, grow their career and find the self-confidence to actually move forward on making change.
Find balance.
Find Balance while "Having it All"
I have been an executive for the last 6 years, leaning in to my career, while also dating, getting married, having kids, traveling and feeling very much like I had it all. I never felt like I had to choose career over family, friends and living. It's possible, but requires understanding what is most important in ones life and having the confidence and self-esteem to say no or make hard decisions about how to spend your time.
This talk focuses on educating the audience on a new definition of "having it all" and I share my method for managing life so one can feel content and at peace vs. out of control and overwhelmed.
How to Climb the Corporate Ladder
Over my career, since my first internship out of college, I have been promoted just about every year. I have certain strategies and tips that help even the most introverted person get recognized and rewarded. One must have the qualifications, but often people who are qualified miss out simply because they're not helping themselves get positioned.
In this talk I share how to climb the corporate ladder with concrete tips and tools that anyone can use. I also collect anonymous questions from audience members and conduct a live Q&A to help address any specific challenges in the room.